My White Whale
For about a year, I’ve been going to Huntley Meadows Park (aka, Fairfax Disney for its graveled trails, packed boardwalks, and the incessant machine-gun flutter of millisecond shutters) in search of a belted kingfisher. I have seen kingfishers before and watched them diving for fish not ten feet away from me at a lake in Tanzania — those were the brilliantly-colored malachite kingfishers — and they have been my favorite birds since. Here we have belted kingfishers, but they’ve all managed to evade me, until today. I was walking across the boardwalk, dodging children with sticks and birders with $13,000 lenses (see the picture below), when I heard the distinct “mechanical rattles” of the kingfisher out over the pond. The birders were all looking the other direction, photographing some mergansers like usual, and the families seemed preoccupied with keeping their small children dry and on the boardwalk. Of course, it was a grey and foggy day (my usual excuse for my bad photos), and he was probably over a hundred yards away, but for about fifteen minutes I watched as the kingfisher perched on a branch, jumped off and performed his signature hover over the pond, and then dove into the water, coming up with a very small fish in his beak.